About Us

Our Mission

  • Farm practices are focused on enhancing local diversity while protecting waters downstream and building soil health.
  • Our goal is to grow and proliferate functional plants that produce an abundance of food, habitat, fuel, beauty and so much more.
  • The plants we grow have co evolved with humans and wildlife feor millennia as fountains of life. Our mission is to continuing this tradition of our ancestors to find the best seeds and share them.
  • We focus on plants that will work in Canada and source seed from cold adapted populations.
  • We aim to improve food security in our community and yours. These plants can be staple food crops. The less we ask from the outside world the more we give to the greater whole.

"The Creation of a thousand forests is in an acorn."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

How We Farm

  • Soil First

    Once we picked out all the big rocks a sandy loam soil was revealed to us and we’ve been protecting and building it ever since. We practice no till soil conservation by using cover crops, silage tarps and a 12” broadfork to loosen the soil without turning it over. We armor the soil surface with chip mulch and add compost or manure each year along with farm based fertilizers such as comfrey, nettles and horsetail.

  • Human Powered

    Our best machine is our body. We believe that working within a hand tool state of mind keeps us in a balance with our scale and mission. All of our plants are seeded, transplanted, grafted, staked, harvested, and packaged by hand. We rent 15 hours or less of local tractor work a year and keep our farm truck use as low as it can be. Buckets and wheel barrows built this farm.

  • Simple

    We started this business with little money and a strong work ethic. We hope to be a living example to others who want to make a difference especially if all they have to offer are there hands, hearts and minds. We hope to inspire more people and farmers to plant their orchard, or start their nursery. Find the mother trees and plant their seeds.